Monday, September 19, 2011

The Beginning

I have decided to start a blog about my first pregnancy. I don't consider myself much of a creative writer but I figured the blog would give me something to do and maybe other woman out there can relate to what I'm saying. If you like reading my blog I think you "follow" me to make comments and such....not exactly sure  how that works?! So far I'm 5 weeks and 4 days, which makes my due date May 19th.

Finding Out
After almost 15 months of no birth control and trying to conceive, I was, as you can imagine, a little anxious to take a pregnancy test after my missed period! I couldn't leave the house to buy one because I had Karsyn and no car seat so my best friend in the entire world, my sister, stopped and bought me one. I know right? Why just one? Needless to say she made another trip to get more because who can trust the accuracy of one test??

Even though peeing on a stick doesn't seem like the most thrilling activity in the world I had never been more excited to do anything in my life! The box says it should take about 2 minutes to get results but God knew my heart might explode in 2 minutes so it changed in about 15 seconds! That + sign brought more joy to my life than I could have ever imagined. I screamed so loud my friends in Lexington probably heard me! I'm so glad my sister (& Karsyn) were there with me to dance, shout, and cry from excitement! I have to say that moment in my bathroom was the most memorable and happiest moment of my entire life...and yes I have thought about it and I'm sure it was that moment.

1 comment:

  1. It's m'e Momma of Kristen-Mama, as I read it I cried I am sure you will do an excellent job with this baby ,you two are so cute and sweet you give people a tooth ache.and I love every second of it .
